Prof William Heath

University of Melbourne,

Prof Heath is a cellular immunologist and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science. He undertook his PhD at the University of Melbourne in 1983, before undergoing post-doctoral training at The Scripps Research Institute in San Diego (1988-90) and then at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI) in Melbourne in (1990-1995). He established his own laboratory at WEHI in 1996 before moving to the University of Melbourne in 2008, where he established a laboratory specialising in immunity to pathogens and immune imaging. He is currently located in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, within the Peter Doherty Institute. Prof Heath has contributed to our understanding of areas such as allorecognition, immune tolerance, dendritic cell biology, cross-presentation, CD4 T cell help, CD8 T cell priming and most recently to the identification and characterization of tissue resident memory CD8 T cells and their role in viral and malaria immunity.  His laboratory now strongly focuses on malaria immunity and vaccine development, primarily to the liver stage of this infection.