Prof Archa Fox

The University of Western Australia

Archa Fox is a Professor at The University of Western Australia in the School of Human Sciences, and an affiliate with the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research. She is the Director of the Australian Centre for RNA Therapeutics in Cancer and the RNA Innovation Foundry at UWA. She was Chair of the RNA Network of Australia (2015-2023), and a Director of the International RNA Society (2020-2021). She was a Founding member of the Australasian RNA Production Consortium and the RNA-Asia network. She sits on the Scientific Advisory Board for a number of Australian RNA Institutes including The UNSW RNA Institute, the Victorian mRNA innovation hub and The Shine Dalgarno Centre for RNA innovation at ANU. Her research focuses on long noncoding RNA and their role in cancer. The model system she employs is the paraspeckle, a nuclear body/condensate scaffolded by the long noncoding RNA, NEAT1.